Design Tips by Carriann: Put on the right attitude about entertaining. This should be an ‘experience,’ not a chore. Consider a theme centered around the interests of your guests. Extend the mood you wish to create in your table setting. Dark colors, soft lighting, elegant decor, and soft music will encourage a slower experience. Brighter […]
Helpful Interior Design Tips by Carriann Johnson
Read interior design tips written and published by interior designer and decorator, Carriann Johnson:
The Interior Design Recipe
You can hardly go wrong when you follow this simple interior design recipe created by accomplished HGTV designer, Carriann Johnson: Choose one style. Avoid mixing country with modern, traditional with southwest, etc. Select 2-3 color in your palette. NO more. Let your space tell a story. Personalize it. Don’t allow eye sores and dated items […]
Take the Ugly Out of Your Home
January 2015 is here!! Woohoo! How excited are you for this New Year? It’s that month that brings a sense of rejuvenation. Dust off the old, invent the new and add some zazzle to your life in only a way that you know how! While September has me craving freshly sharpened pencils, January begs for […]
The Cozy Home
We all want it. Here’s how you get it … Happy December everyone! Can you even believe that I’m saying that? I can’t either. It feels like yesterday that I was telling myself, “Christmas is only 4 months away! Ahhh!” And here we are. As temperatures plummet, it’s only natural to start craving comfort foods like […]
Designing for the Holidays
Can you feel that new vibe in the air? Decorations and colors of all kinds for every holiday are creeping their way into retailers. One store has up Christmas trees, the other already has lit up pumpkins on clearance and now fashion retailers are starting to promote Spring fashion! It’s a crazy time that can […]
The Chill Is Creeping In … Time to Warm Up Your Home Decor!
The smell of freshly sharpened pencils are now replaced with that earthy nip in the air. Your mornings may greet you with thoughts of turning on your furnace while you drag yourself into this new time of year. But there is such a beauty that comes with the Fall Season!! And if you’re like me, it’s […]
Light the Mood in Your Home
Valuable Window Fashion and Lighting Tips, Room by Room There are several key ingredients to creating great spaces within your home, but they all end with an overall result … “What mood does the space leave?” Successful spaces are the result of all key ingredients merging into one and working in harmony. Lighting is one […]
FOCAL POINTS: Taking Your Style To A Whole New Level
I’m walking through the Houston Airport craving something to satisfy my travel hunger. Despite my diligence and growling stomach, I am suddenly distracted by this exciting ‘wood divider’ between two rows of chairs in an open lounge. Wood branches twisted in all different directions that ascend to the ceiling. I’m in awe. I’m thinking to […]
Wood Alloy Blind Installation
Carriann Johnson shows you just how easy it is to install a Wood Alloy Blind from the At Home Collection by Carriann Johnson. These products available only Happy Decorating!!! The look of real wood blinds for less money. Ideal for extreme climates. Perfect for high humidity rooms. The ultimate performance alloy wood blinds Resists […]
Continuous Cord Loop Blind Installation
Carriann Johnson shows you just how easy it is to install a Continuous Cord Loop Cellular Blind from the At Home Collection by Carriann Johnson. This video isn’t your standard installation video…enjoy the bloopers and fun! These products available only Happy Decorating!!!